
If anyone out there has experience of seeking funding and making grant applications outside of other Quaker Bodies would you be able to share your experiences with me or put me in touch with people you know from your Meetings or otherwise who have experience of this

Northumbria Area Meeting have a project for redeveloping an existing Meeting House, a project for maintaining and developing a grade 2 listed historical Meeting House and a potential project for a new Meeting House project.
The later has nominal funds from the sale of a previous building which are held by the Area Meeting the other two currently have no allocated funds. However the Area Meeting has around £900,000 of funds that are potentially available though half of this is from the sale of the building previously mentioned.
We have been advised that it is highly unlikely that we would be able to secure any external funding because of the amount of money currently being held by the Area Meeting.

As well as sharing general experiences and advice of fundraising and grant applications, does anyone know who we might deal with the last point in the above.

In Friendship


Matt Moore: Northumbria Area Quaker Meeting Resources Manager
                        Mobile: 07982 743 615

"Take heed, dear Friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts"
Quaker Faith & Practice: Advices and Queries: 1.02/1