Ollie Waterhouse
Quaker Life

Hello everyone,

We have had a break from Meeting House Matters over the summer but there is going to be an online meeting on Friday, 20 September at 10:30am. I look forward to seeing you if you can join.

This time we are going to spend some time looking at the Spirit-led, ethical employment practice (SLEEP) Advices & Queries. You may have received a copy of this new document. The group that has been working on it from Lancaster LM sent them to Friends who have contributed to their development with the following request:

"The working group are now ready to offer a resource for Friends’ consideration in the form of advices and queries, which is attached. It is not intended to be a complete list or a replacement for professional expertise and guidance, but rather to be a prompt for reflection and discussion for use by all those who seek to incorporate Quaker testimony into their employment practice and those they employ. 

We see the advices and queries as a work in progress, which we expect to change over time. We hope that you will share them widely and discuss them with others, and then share any feedback with us."

As usual our meeting wil be on Zoom and you can join using the following details. No need to book, just join the meeting. The meeting is schedule for 1 hour 30 minutes.
Meeting House Matters in-person
There is one last Meeting House Matters in person event this year. I am please to let you know that it will be taking place at Horsham LM on Tuesday, 19 November. It is important that you let us know that you are going to come in-person so please use the link below to register. 
In friendship,


Oliver Waterhouse (he/him) 

Quaker Life Team Leader, Local and Area Governance 


Quakers in Britain  

020 7663 1007 (Direct) 

oliverw@quaker.org.uk | www.quaker.org.uk  

Follow Quakers in Britain on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.  

The Quaker Centre Bookshop and Café are open to the public. Friends House is open for meetings and events. All enquiries welcome to events@quaker.org.uk or www.friendshouse.co.uk/booking-enquiry

If you would like to support our work, you can give online at www.quaker.org.uk/donate


Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)   

Registered charity number 1127633 | Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BJ 


Quakers say: Religion is about the whole of life.