Hello Wendrie

We have something under the heading Feedback

9: Feedback 
We welcome any and all feedback on the facilities and service you receive from the Meeting House and where possible and practical we will try to make improvements, though we hope that you understand what we are able to offer has limitations. 
If you have any issues with your booking or notice something that requires attention please let us know at the time. We hope you can find a resolution, either by speaking with the member of staff or volunteer on duty. 
Alternatively, please contact the Meeting House Manager. 
If you feel you need to take something further, please write to the Meeting House at our address clearly marking the envelope for the attention of the Premises Group. 

In Friendship


Matt Moore: Northumbria Area Quaker Meeting Resources Manager
                        Mobile: 07982 743 615

"Take heed, dear Friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts"
Quaker Faith & Practice: Advices and Queries: 1.02/1

From: Wendrie Heywood <wendrie@mindfulbusinessservices.com>
Sent: Monday, 17 June 2024 16:58
To: Quaker Wardenship Support <wardenship@lists.quaker.eu.org>
Subject: [wardenship] room hire complaints policy
Hello Friends,

Does anyone have a complaints policy specific to their room hire/hirers?

Yours in peace,

Wendrie Heywood