Further on this - We only use the Sum Up reader for donations to our charity collections, we receive an email statement a couple of days later with the total donated. There is 1.69% charge which means approximately equates to 8p less for the charity from a £5 donation. Our Meeting paid the initial fee for purchase of the reader.  We have another reader for use for donations for tea/coffee, lunches and general donations to our Meeting.

In Friendship

Kirsten Lavers
Warden, Jesus Lane Quaker Meeting House

07545 218251
Day off Mondays

On 28 Jun 2024, at 09:41, Klaus Huber <boawarden@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Lorraine,

In Bradford on Avon we collect money for a different charity every month. This includes centrally managed Quaker work as well as external charities. We only ever used to collect cash, never bothered with anything else. When lockdown started, we obviously abandoned the cash collection, instead putting into our monthly newsletter details of how Friends can donate directly. Since then we have reinstated the cash collections, while continuing to publish details on how Friends can donate directly.

If HSBC no longer accepting cash for CAF accounts is a more general issue, we may also have a problem now. From my records, it appears that I still managed to pay in cash (for the Meeting in this case) in the middle of May, and I haven't yet heard from our Collections Treasurer (different post from Meeting Treasurer) that she's had any problems in this respect. Do you know whether this is just an issue with your local branch?

Best wishes,
Klaus Huber
Resident Warden, Bradford on Avon

On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 9:19 PM Winchester Quaker Warden <winchesterquakerwarden@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Friends and colleagues,
We would be interested to know if your Meetings donate to external charities, in which case how that is done.
At Winchester we have in the past collected donations, on a regular basis, to pass on to chosen charities - cash, cheques or BACS.
This created a lot of admin for the Treasurer, and now we have the added problem that our local bank (HSBS acting on behalf of CAF Bank) no longer accepts cash.
What we are doing currently is invite Friends to donate to chosen charities, but not through our bank account, i.e. straight into the other charity's bank account.
We do not know how many people do that, we have no idea how much money goes to the charities, and we don't know if the charities are aware that those donations are connected to our Meeting.
We have recently bought a fund-raising card-reader, which can allow for donations to be earmarked for specific purposes, but we are not using it for external charities.

If any of your Meetings passes donations on to external charities, it would be great to hear about your process for that, and if it works well.
Thanks very much,

Andrew and Lorraine O'Hanlon
Friends' Meeting House
16 Colebrook Street
Winchester  SO23 9LH
01962 864184
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Klaus Huber
Bradford on Avon Quaker Meeting House
1 Whiteheads Lane, Bradford on Avon BA15 1JU
Tel. 01225 865393

wardenship mailing list -- wardenship@lists.quaker.eu.org
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