Hello Friends,

MBS are offering two webinars this month - just too much to talk about obviously. We've invited two Quaker organisations to come and talk about first 'how to use technology to support your community and charity' and then next week 'how to use technology to tell others about your community and charity'

Do not underestimate the power of effectively communicating with your internal teams and external community. Unless you promote your charity goals, offerings and activities, how do you expect people to find you?!
Join us for our FREE 60-minute workshop on Wednesday 17th July at 18:00 (UK).
We will cover how to communicate, what platforms you use and what you say. In our modern world, sometimes these questions can feel overwhelming. Don't worry this session is packed with tips and guidance!
What you will learn:
✅ How to effectively communicate and knowledge share with internal teams
✅ How to build internal communities and attract the right people to your charity
✅What tech and software are available to charities at reduced/discounted rates to support you
These workshops are designed to provide you with a base knowledge of areas to consider when thinking about communicating. You do not need any prior knowledge to attend.
To get you started, download our FREE ‘Outreach Audit’.
Don't miss out – secure your spot today. Sign up HERE 👇

Yours in peace,

Wendrie Heywood