At Coventry Meeting the person who installed the system in the main big room said that there probably was no need for anything in the smaller room as because of its size and closeness of everyone it would probably not be a problem.
So do you really need anything in a small room? The loop system is great to pick up speech when it is fed into a loop. otherwise normal hearing aids work well.
We were given a small portable system. that fits into a suitcase so we can lend it and it feeds into a mat aerial . The person needing the hearing support sits on a chair or adjacent  This worked very well for a 'granny attending a school play'. However, that last point does not answer your direct question. 
William Waddilove

On Wed, 14 Aug 2024 at 10:49, Klaus Huber <boawarden@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Friends,

In Bradford on Avon we have a fixed hearing loop in our main meeting room, but we also have a small meeting room behind our kitchen that doesn't have any hearing loop facility. I was wondering if a portable hearing loop may be an easy solution to rectify this. Does anyone have experience with portable hearing loops?

Many thanks,
Klaus Huber
Resident Warden, Bradford on Avon

Klaus Huber
Bradford on Avon Quaker Meeting House
1 Whiteheads Lane, Bradford on Avon BA15 1JU
Tel. 01225 865393

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