Dear all - I'm just bumping this again in case someone sees it who has had experience of doing hirer satisfaction surveys.  Any experience or advice appreciated!

with all my best,

Lorna Richardson
Premises Coordinator

Westminster Quaker Meeting House (Religious Society of Friends)
07897 591961
8 Hop Gardens, off St Martins Lane, London, WC2N 4EH
If requiring assistance in an emergency, call 07895 978 092

Please note I am part-time, and work flexible working hours; I don't expect anyone to respond outside their own normal working hours.

On Fri, 21 Jun 2024 at 11:46, Westminster Wardens <> wrote:
Dear all,

May I ask how, and how often, any of you conduct customer satisfaction surveys amongst hirers?  Who in your structure does it (warden/premises manager, or someone from the LM), and what are you hoping to get out of it?

Any experiences would be very welcome to hear!


Lorna Richardson
Premises Coordinator

Westminster Quaker Meeting House (Religious Society of Friends)
8 Hop Gardens, off St Martins Lane, London, WC2N 4EH
If requiring assistance in an emergency, call 07895 978 092

Please note I am part-time, and work flexible working hours; I don't expect anyone to respond outside their own normal working hours.