Judy's email prompted me to this, in part because we might be looking for more Quakerly artwork to brighten our passageway up and having seen how well photos can print onto dibond (see below) might be interested in reproducing the Horfield testimonies tiles. Could we create a library for sharing things like that so those who wanted to would have materials to brighten up their meeting houses?

I'm afraid I didn't get a picture of the garden/burial ground in Saffron Walden, but I can tell you that we have designated it a peace garden and have our sayings relating to peace from a variety of traditions around the garden. These are written on slate (normal roof slates) with a weatherproof chalkboard marker. We let the grass grow over much of the burial ground and just mow trails around it and have a mown area at the top where we can hold meetings.

With regard to the front of the building I have attached some photos. 
What to say about it. Environmental banner over portico door, stuck on with Nano tape. Surprisingly cheap at about £50.
Someone had photos of mosaics at the Freinds School so we have tidied the photos up and had them printed on dibond sheets (1.2m maximum height) to brighten the place up.
Posterboard on the front of the warden's house with a locally made 'A ship is safe in harbour, but that's not what ships are for.' poster.
Dibond signs about the meeting and facilities.
A leaflet dispenser which shifts 2 or 3 a week. Not great guns but that's 2 or 3 a week who know more about us than they would, and also send the message that we are welcoming.
on the front of the meeting house a topical banner again stuck on with Nano tape.

We were offered the LGBTQ all welcome here postcard-sized sticker a few weeks ago and put it on our front door too. A good message, I think.

Hope some of this is useful.

In Friendship,

On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 4:47 PM Oliver Waterhouse <oliverw@quaker.org.uk> wrote:

Ollie Waterhouse
Quaker Life

Hello everyone,

I hope that you are all well.

There is going to be a session of Meeting House Matters on Tuesday, 21 May at 10.30am. This time we are going to be looking at things around visibility and what our spaces say about us. Does your Quaker meeting house have a garden and what is it used for? What does it say about the community or the premises as a venue?

If you can please share by email reply to this message before the meeting:

  • A picture of your meeting house signage
  • Your meeting garden (just one image if possible)
  • Any visual clues that help people know that your building is a Quaker meeting house or help hirers find the premises

This is an online session which will be on Zoom and you can join using the Zoom details below.

I look forward to seeing you there.

In friendship,




Oliver Waterhouse (he/him)

Quaker Life Team Leader, Local and Area Governance


Quakers in Britain 

020 7663 1007 (Direct)


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Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)  

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