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As you may know, Rookhow subsidises stays for community groups through its Retreat Away scheme. Recently 2 local Quaker Meeting have also matched this funding by providing costs towards accommodation, food and transport. 
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I am writing to see if you have contact with any local groups who might be interested in staying at Rookhow and applying to the scheme- perhaps with your local Meeting's support too. The feedback we have had from groups has been overwhelmingly positive, with many people saying how much they have benefited from a break away and having recovery time in nature.

A message of thanks from the group leader of Sanctuary Cooklaongs who benefitted from a Retreat Away Fund grant and also the support of their local Meeting in Preston: "Quakers have kindly sponsored three nights at Rookhow for three Sanctuary Cookalongs families to have a restful retreat in the school summer holidays. Coming from a war-torn country and experiencing trauma can have long-lasting effects, but having an opportunity to start a new life with new prospects in a new country has its challenges too. Thanks to Rookhow and Preston Quakers for enabling us to have a trip away from the stresses of everyday city life!"

Preston Quaker Meeting also said they welcomed the opportunity to extend its commitment to support good inter-faith relationships in the city.

The next deadline is 1st October. I have attached an application form and more details. 

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss a specific group or have any questions.

In Friendship,

Sue Nicholls (she/her)
Rookhow Development Manager
Rookhow phone number:    07377 971783
Website: rookhow.org.uk
Donations link: DONATE TO ROOKHOW

I work part time (25 hour per week) flexi-time Monday-Friday.

Rookhow is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation: Charity No 1188409. We put 5% of our bookings income into subsidising stays for community groups. Rookhow is a Quaker Recognised Body.
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